Robot Allocator membership

Robot Allocator membership

Access to the full functionality of our Robot Asset Allocation, the details of which are only available to members and updated on a weekly basis by our algorithms leading to a Global Macro Portfolio potentially composed of several Asset classes (equities, bonds, commodities, gold), as well as ETF leverage and short. The Global Macro Portfolio is designed for experienced investors. It is particularly suited for a "Hedge Fund" management type.

A blog is also made available to members, in order to discuss trading ideas.

A library of over 200 ETF/Trackers is available to you, including the main characteristics of these products. This tool can select ETF according to multiple criterias (Asset class, geography, sector, liquidity, etc...).

This membership also allows you to consult our analysis and selection from a universe of over 200 ETF. You also access our weekly analysis of financial markets as well as our comments on the portfolios performance.

This membership also provides access to our "Watchlist", which enables to identify investment opportunities in a reactive way and 3 ETF Portfolios adapted to different investment styles, including the possibility of receiving e-mail alerts on our trading operations. Two portfolios (Active Euro and Active Dollar) are primarily intended for active investors while the third one (Megatrend Euro) has been designed in a longer term perspective, a typical "Buy & Hold" investment style.


Customized Services :

  • ETF specific analysis
  • Customised portfolio Construction
  • Portfolio Analysis
  • Analysts access (Mail/Chat/Phone)
  • ...


Active Euro Portfolio +
Active Dollar Portfolio +
Megatrend Euro Portfolio +

Global Macro Portfolio +
ETF library

> 3 months free to test

> See our Portfolios

Services "ad hoc" :

Please contact us

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pour bénéficier de nos signaux d’achat et de vente de plus de 300 ETFs !