EEE – Real Estate Euro Zone

Real Estate Eurozone (EEE) : The quiet force

BNPP Easy EPRA/NAREIT Eurozone Capped (EEE) - 18/03/19

Short Term trend: Positive (90/100)
Long Term trend: Positive (55/100)

(computed by our proprietary algorithms)

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Posted by christophe in EEE – Immobilier zone Euro, EEE - Real Estate Euro Zone, ETF Analysis

Property Europe (EEE) : Into a range

BNPP Easy EPRA/NAREIT Eurozone Capped (EEE) - 20/03/2018

Short Term strategy: Positive (90%) / Trend = 
Long Term strategy: Positive (95%) / Trend =

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Posted by christophe in EEE - Real Estate Euro Zone, ETF Analysis

Real Estate Eurozone (EEE) : The CBE effect!

BNPP Easy EPRA/NAREIT Eurozone Capped (EEE) - 27/10/2017

Short Term strategy : Neutral (50%) / Trend = 
Long Term strategy : Positive (95%) / Trend =

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Posted by christophe in EEE – Immobilier zone Euro, EEE - Real Estate Euro Zone, ETF Analysis