Active Dollar Portfolio – 23/06/17

Performance  since 20/05/16+21,6%
Weekly Performance+1,6%

Active Dollar Portfolio analysis

TickerETFIssuerCurr.nbentry dateentry pricecurr. pricevariationweekly var.valo. €
IWOUS Russel 2000 GrowthiShares$8020/05/16131,83170,2629,2%2,0%13 621
PKBUS Building & ConstructionPowerShares$35006/12/1628,3829,634,4%0,2%10 371
ECHChileiShares$28020/05/1635,2842,1419,4%-2,9%11 799
IAUGold TrustiShares$90027/02/1712,1112,08-0,2%0,1%10 872
EBNDEmerging Local BondSPDR$40027/03/1728,4528,961,8%-0,2%11 584
XHSUS Health Care ServicesSPDR$20013/03/1757,7464,3611,5%3,1%12 872
IHIMedical DevicesiShares$7020/05/16129,22167,8129,9%2,0%11 747
THDMSCI ThailandiShares$14006/02/1776,4378,362,5%-1,4%10 970
NOBLUS dividend AristocratProShares$19020/05/1652,2658,0011,0%-0,9%11 020
XBIUS BiotechSPDR$18020/05/1654,0980,3448,5%12,2%14 461
cash         2 248
Total MSCI World 1 925,0     121 565
  Perf Hebdo 1 923,2+0,1% Active Dollar Portfolio weekly performance +1,6%
  since 20/5/17 1 639,9+17,4% Active Dollar Portfolio perf. since 20/5/16+21,6%
       Relative performance since 20/5/16+4,2% 

The Active Dollar portfolio performed very well this week: + 1.6%.

This performance is mainly due to our overweight in healthcare sectors, particularly biotechnology (XBI: + 12.2%), which reacts strongly to rumours of a more favourable than expected Trump decree. In the same time XHS (US healthcare services: + 3.1%) and IHI (US medical equipment: + 2.0%) were large contributors to the week's performance.

The Growth theme was also positive, with + 2.0% for our Russell 2000 Growth ETF (IWO).

Emerging market themes were less helpful and adversely impacted by the continued fall in commodity prices. Chile (ECH) fell 2.9% and Thailand (THD) lost 1.4%. Our defensive positions gold (IAU) and bonds (EBND) remained neutral over the week.