Our Asset Allocation Robot maintains the cash component in our Global Macro portfolio at 15%, with a virtually stable Risk of Crash indicator at 54 points…
Our weekly opening positions alert…
Our Asset Allocation Robot maintains the cash component in our Global Macro portfolio at 15%, with a virtually stable Risk of Crash Indicator at 52.9 points…
Our weekly opening positions alert…
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10,2% gain on XSD
We close our trade on XSD (US Semiconductors) which was recommended to Buy on 01/28, with a gain of 10.2%, as the index looks now overbought that may lead to a correction.
8,6% loss on QAT
We close our trade on QAT (Qatar), which was recommended to Buy on 01/14, with a loss of 8.6%, which corresponds to the correction in progress in the wake of the Gaz reversing momentum.