Our Asset Allocation Strategy: 15/07/2018
Our Risk of Crash indicator dropped this week from 47.1 / 100 to 38.1 / 100, which leads our asset allocation robot to no longer maintain cash in our Global Macro portfolio…
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Opening positions Alert – 16/07/2018
Our opening positions Alert this week…
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Our Asset Allocation strategy: 09/07/2018
Our Krach indicator is down this week from 55.7 / 100 to 47.1 / 100, reducing cash to 10% cash in our Global Macro portfolio…
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Opening Positions Alert – 09/07/2018
Our Opening Positions Alert this week…
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A 3.1% gain on GRE We close our position on the GRE ETF (ETF Greece), advised to Buy the 11/06, with a gain of 3.1%. We take our profits on this index whose downward trend seems to us lacking conviction.
A 3.6% gain on RUS
We close our transaction on the RUS ETF (Russian ETF), advised to buy the 02/07 last, with a gain of 3.6%.