Our Market Analysis : 04/11/2017

The week ended with a further rise of the Stoxx600NR of + 0.69%, while the S&P500 appreciated slightly (+ 0.26%) with the continuation of good results in Q3, including tech giants Apple and Facebook.

The US market was on a “wait & see” mood for a good part of the week before the announcement of the new FED chairman, Jerome Powell who is a moderate Republican and should be part of the lineage of Janet Yellen as he consistently supported in his policy of gradual rise rates, and would also be favorable to the easing of banking regulations provided by the White House.

Another expected event, monthly job creation in the US reached 261K in October, which is a strong rebound after September hit by hurricanes, although below expectations at 310K but the unemployment rate fell by 4.2% to 4.1%, which should be enough to justify a further rate hike in December, and weighed negatively on interest-sensitive gold.

Gold down : IAU (iShares Gold Trust) weekly data


Oil continued to appreciate sharply this week, supported by a statistic, the "rig count" which fell below 730 and seems to confirm the production restrictions announced by OPEC, with a predictable impact on stocks.

Venezuela has announced a restructuring of its external debt valued at $ 155 billion and has made an appointment to its creditors on November 13 in Caracas, while the assumption of a default continues to grow, which penalized the countries of Latin America this week (shares and bonds).

Latin America penalized by Venezuela : LTM (Lyxor MSCI EM Latin America), weekly data

Oil continued to appreciate sharply this week, supported by a statistic, the "rig count" which fell below 730 and seems to confirm the production restrictions announced by OPEC, with a predictable impact on stocks.

Venezuela has announced a restructuring of its external debt valued at $ 155 billion and has made an appointment to its creditors on November 13 in Caracas, while the assumption of a default continues to grow, which penalized the countries of Latin America this week (shares and bonds).